Johnson's Argument(s):
Johnson argues that diversity is only a problem in that people USE that diversity to judge and oppress.
Johnson argue that there is a problem
Johnson argue that we really need to confront these demons (such as race) we need to be uncomfortable in order to find a solution
it is easy for privileged people to take a back seat to solving the social problems but they are the ones who have the power to start the change.
we are stuck in (our own privilege) our ways of discrimination and we much come together as a society to change...
We need to stop sugar coating and talk about the uncomfortable realities of racism, classism, sexism, gender , sexual orientation, language...
people without privielge "don't have the power to change entrenched systems of privilege by themselves" (10)
The struggle and pain are worth it (13)
We can all be a part of the solution
The categories themselves (not the individual people) have power and so people can gain or lose power if they move between categories.
Here are some of the key issues you noted in your blog posts for class:
"The luxury of obliviousness"
I believe the author is arguing that the trouble with diversity is that it is "produced by a world organized in ways that encourage people to use difference to include and exclude, reward or punish, credit or discredit, elevate or oppress, value or devalue, leave alone or harass." (Johnson, 19)
"The author argues that its easy for the white privileged heterosexual male to take a back seat and not work on solving these problems, when in reality they are the ones with the power to do so. "
"In his book Privilege, Power, and Difference (2001), Allan Johnson argues that the varying degrees of privilege have developed into an enormous societal issue from the collective people, and that it is everyone's responsibility to directly engage themselves with being an active part of the solution to overcome oppression. The only way in which we may directly engage ourselves to overcome this oppression is to be aware of our own set of privileges, be willing to take risks and do the hard, and often uncomfortable, work."
"We can't help but identify others that way because it has been ingrained into us...maybe not by choice, but more so by chance."
""But now it's ours (the legacy he writes about), it's up to us to decide how we're going to deal with it before we collectively pass it along to the generations that will follow ours". "
"The simple truth is that when I go shopping, I'll probably get waited on faster and better than she will". How the heck does he know that?
Chris Rock: How to imbed a YouTube Video v=0k_kIpxfWxA.
Watermelon Man: How to make a hyperlink
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